The club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in October 2021, where an Interim Management Team was put in place to sustain the day to day running of the club but more importantly to look at longer term strategic and operational improvements needed to embed a sustainable future for the club.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was held on Thursday 17 March 2022 at the Glenrothes Community Sports & Health Hub, to reflect on a number of proposals including a new club Constitution (which gives the club a clear purpose), setting membership types and fees for the season ahead (with a focus to ensure that cost is not a barrier to participation) and identifying the right people to fill the crucial roles on the Management Committee.
We are delighted to say that all proposals were approved and give us a sound basis to take forward further improvements across the club.
If you wish to see the draft minutes from the meeting then please get in touch.
Our focus is on developing a family-friend environment and encouraging each member to play their part in supporting whole-club development. The new Management Committee also reflected on their individual responsibilities to act as the role model they would expect to see in others - treat everyone with fairness and respect. So let's move in to the 2022 season with excitement and intrigue with what could yet be!!