It impossible to underplay just how important volunteering is for clubs such as ours, and one of the most crucial needs is around ensuring we have an appropriate number of qualified coaches in place to meet to meet our cricketing priorities and deliver all our sessions (for both juniors and seniors) in a safe, engaging and fun way.
We follow the Cricket Scotland recommendations for coaching and associated safeguarding requirements, and it's important to note that they are now following the ICC Coach Development Pathway.
The entry level course is the ICC Foundation Certificate which outlines basic principles of delivering sessions in a safe and fun way. These sessions are free and can be done at your own pace.
This does not make you a qualified coach to LEAD sessions, that would be the follow-on ICC Level One sessions and above - prices start from £150 for these.
If you are interested, and we encourage everyone to think about doing this, then get in touch to discuss - so we as a club can provide you appropriate support in your coaching journey and so that we can log appropriate evidence of your qualifications.