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Project Save our Square

Project Save our Square

Nic Krzyzanowski12 Apr - 17:03
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It's not pretty but it will make a huge difference!

Following recent (and repeated) damage to the cricket square at Gilvenbank Park, we have had to invest in barrier fencing to protect the playing surface.

We have tried a number of solutions to try and alert park users to use the space considerately but none have been successful - or at least lasted long in place.

This is not the solution we wanted to adopt, both from an aesthetics perspective but also from the effort it places on club volunteers to regularly dismantle and reassemble for use.

But without this it would place a significant risk around not being able to deliver cricket activities but more so the continued financial burden it places on us to repair damage on top of the significant amount of money we already invest.

We hope everyone understands why we have had to take this approach and hopefully this gives the cricket square a chance to recover.

Further reading